FAQ Frequently Ask Questions about Giftideas.ca

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Do you have any questions about Giftideas.ca? Please find our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) below to answer most of the questions you may have.

I can’t pass my order on your site, is it normal?

Yes, it’s normal, because the purchase does not happen on our site per se.

Even though you can browse and shop many gift ideas on our site, when you’re ready to buy, you ultimately have to click on the buy link inside a gift idea to arrive at our partner’s eCommerce shop.

You will then be able to pass your order on their website.

Is there a gift card that can be bought and offered to be used on Giftideas.ca?

Can I include a message with my gift or have it delivered on a specific date?

Who are you?

Why is there a price difference between your website and the one on which we can buy the products?

We can’t make purchases on your site. How does it work?

Why should we use your site?

Is it safe to buy online through your website?

I have or know a great online shop. How can I suggest it to the Giftideas.ca team?

How does the shipping work?

How do you guys make money?

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